

Detroit Metal City |
xxx Saturday, June 28th 2008 |
Matsuyama Kenichi "Parco Grand Bazar" CM "Detroit Metal City" Trailer
This is definitely a great news clip for Matsuyama Kenichi fans. It shows the comedic side of Matsuyama, as he was filming for his upcoming movie, "Detroit Metal City." There were funny scenes, such as his character Negishi Souichi, singing and dancing like a hippie. But the most hilarious moments, was where Matsuyama was in his Johannes Krauser II costume, while sobbing his eyes out and pounding on the window. There is also a quick glimpse into his "Parco Grand Bazar" commercial, and a trailer for the soon-to-be-released "D.M.C."
Download News Clip @ [ MediaFire || 1 Min 50 Sec || 4.27 MBs ]
"I Don't Know" (PV) |
xxx Saturday, June 21st 2008 |
Nakashima Mika MICA 3 CHU "I Don't Know" (PV)
Yes, that is Nakashima Mika on the left; And yes, she is flicking you off. Once again, the queen of transformation has evolved her look; And this time, it has changed into the image of a rebel. Collaborating with the comedy trio, Morisanchu, the group Mica 3 Chu is formed. Throughout the whole PV, you can see Mika misbehaving and having fun. The whole song of "I Don't Know" is in English, with a rocky flair to it. Ironically, this song is rockier than anything Mika did during her "NANA" days. This fun song releases on July 22nd, so pick up a copy for yourself! Thanks to Doobie at JpopSuki for the PV!
Download PV @ [ MediaFire || 4 Min 38 Sec || 88.22 MBs ]
Tsuchiya Anna is Okay |
xxx Wednesday, June 18th 2008 |
Tsuchiya Anna Declares "I am completely fine!" After Ex-Husband's Death
Tsuchiya Anna was casted as the voice of the heroine in the animated film, "Sore ike! Anpan-Man, Yousei Rin Rin no Himitsu." Anna commented that she was really glad to have received such a lovely role, since she thought her character was a villain. She loves the fact that she can watch the movie with her 3 year old son, who absolutely adores Anpan-Man. When asked about her model ex-husband Joshua, who passed away suddenly last month, Anna bravely declared, "I am completely fine! I am tough!" She reveals that she depends on her son, who is very reliable, and whom she is securely protecting. Tsuchiya Anna was cheerfully smiling from the start to finish. The animated movie will premiere in Japan on July 12th 2008. (Official Anpan-Man Site)
Download News Clip @ [ MediaFire || 4 Min 59 Sec || 11.21 MBs ]
"Yuki no Hana" Covers |
xxx Tuesday, June 17th 2008 |
Hayley Westenra Sings Japanese Songs "Yuki no Hana" (English)
Nakashima Mika fans will instantly recognize the melody of her song "Yuki no Hana." Released in late 2003, the single sold over 250,000 copies and is now one of the most well known songs in Asia. This lovely ballad has been replayed countlessly, and inspired many musicians and artists to sing the song in their own style. Already, "Yuki no Hana" have been covered in Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and now-- English. Classical pop artist Hayley Westenra is the latest to sing "Yuki no Hana."
Hayley Westenra is a soprano, who has released albums all through the world, and have been recognized for her talent. Her music has also found a good amount of success in Japan, which led her to release a "Hayley Sings Japanese Songs" album; It covers music from artists such as Nakashima Mika and Ayaka. The version of "Yuki no Hana" on her album is performed in English and sounds really pretty. Check out the song. It really isn't bad.
+ Hayley Westenra "Yuki no Hana" @ [MediaFire]
+ Nakashima Mika "Yuki no Hana" @ [MediaFire]
If you type "Yuki no Hana" into iTunes Japan, many versions of the song will come back from the search. Here are some of my favorites. Listen and enjoy! If you really like one of the songs, don't forget to purchase it to support the artist!
+ Park Hyo Shin (Korean Version) @ [MediaFire]
+ Seo Young Eun (Korean Acoustic) @ [MediaFire]
+ Tokunaga Hideaki (Japanese) @ [ MediaFire]
+ Han Xue (Chinese Version) @ [ MediaFire]
Also uploaded onto YouTube are lots and lots of "Yuki no Hana" covers, performed by famous musicians during concerts. Don't forget to check some of these out! ^__^ Gives you something to do for summer vacation. Keep you "cool," so to speak.
+ Kim Jung Hoon in Concert (Korean Version)
+ Jay Chou in Concert (Japanese Version)
+ Park Hyo Shin in Concert (Korean Version)
+ Mika, Tomiko Van, Sato Chikuzen @ Music Fair
....and more...
[ Note from Lisa: ] Also, thanks to everyone for their patience. I know there has been a lack of updates lately. I was really lucky and was chosen for a paid internship in a very good web design firm, two weeks ago. Since then, I have been trying to adjust to that schedule of sleeping early and waking up early for work. There has also been a good amount of homework from that internship, so free time is pretty slim for me. But I'm hoping to slowly fit "fansiting" back into my schedule. Thanks for your patience everyone. Luff luff <3 <3
"NANA 2" the Movie |
xxx Tuesday, June 10th 2008 |
USA & Canada Version Release: July 29th 2008
Price: $18.99
Released: July 29th 2008
ASIN: B0018BA758
Subtitles: English
Region: 1 DVD
Studio: VIZ Pictures
Sold @ [ Amazon.com ]
** Thanks to MACKEY for the heads up!
Matsuyama Sings |
xxx Tuesday, June 10th 2008 |
"Detroit Metal City" To Release Single By Matsuyama Kenichi Translated by [ TokyoGraph ]
Two songs from the upcoming "Detroit Metal City" movie are being released together as a single on August 6. The first track will be the metal tune "SATSUGAI" (sung by Matsuyama Kenichi as Johannes Krauser II) while the second is the love song "Amai Koibito" (sung by Matsuyama as Soichi Negishi).
The first edition of the single will come with a movie trailer on DVD and a tattoo seal in Matsuyama's handwriting. The "Detroit Metal City" movie is opening in theaters on August 23. ---------- Sources @ [ Bounce || Tokyo Graph ]
xxx Tuesday, June 3rd 2008 |
"I Don't Know" Mika x Morisanchu Collaboration Single By Mackey Hiromu
Mika's fourth new work since "YES" is a collaboration/rock project single under the name MICA 3 CHU, a mixture of her name as well as the comedy troupe Morisanchu. The title of the single is "I DON'T KNOW" and will come with the B-side "SHUT UP." There will also be a limited CD+DVD edition including ten minutes of content including the PV, and will come with a MC3C logo sticker.
MICA 3 CHU "I Don't Know" July 23rd 2008
1.) I DON'T KNOW 2.) SHUT UP 3.) I DON'T KNOW (Instrumental) 4.) SHUT UP (Instrumental)
Right Click Save As: [ Sample Clip ] |
Sources @ [ Members @ TokyoNights || Sony Music ]
"NANA" Breaks Record |
xxx Sunday, May 25th 2008 |
"NANA Volume 19" Breaks 2008 Sales Record 780,000 Copies in 1 Week!
Yazawa Ai's popular manga "NANA" released it's 19th volume this last week on May 15th 2008. By May 22nd, exactly one week later, Oricon's book ranking recorded that "NANA Vol. 19" sold 780,000 copies!
The information was gathered from 1554 stores in Japan. This year's previous high seller was Kishimoto Masashi's "Naruto Vol. 42," which was released on May 2nd and sold 505,000 copies in 1 week. "NANA Vol 19's" sales number exceed it's previous record holder by more than half it's sales.
Since "NANA" manga was released in 2000, the title has more than 43.6 million volumes sold and in publication. "NANA" has also been released in two live action movies starring Nakashima Mika, and also took the form of TV anime in 2006.
Sources @ [ Yahoo News || Mainichi Japan ]
Relationship Over |
xxx Sunday, May 25th 2008 |
Mika Nakashima And Masatoshi Nagase Ends Their Relationship Translated by [ TokyoGraph ]
(May 10, 2008) - Sports Nippon reports that singer Mika Nakashima, 25, and actor Masatoshi Nagase, 41, have broken off their relationship, despite rumors last year that they were soon headed for marriage. Like many other celebrity couples, it seems that their busy careers have caused them to drift apart.
The two met when they played siblings in the drama series "Shiritsu Tantei Hama Mike" in 2002. At the time, Nagase was married to actress Kyoko Koizumi, but he divorced in 2004. Shortly after that, he and Nakashima started dating.
Rumors surfaced in early 2007 that marriage was near, fueled by speculation from members of Nakashima's family. However, it appears that they gradually began seeing each other less frequently, and they finally broke up earlier this spring.
Sources @ [ Sponichi Annex || Tokyo Graph ]
Anna's ExHusband Dies |
xxx Sunday, May 25th 2008 |
Tsuchiya Anna's Ex-Husband Joshua Dies Translated by [ TokyoGraph ] Thank Mackey for the news!
Sponichi Annex is reporting that the former husband of model/actress/singer Anna Tsuchiya has passed away at the age of 25, though no details about his death are known at the moment.
Tsuchiya, 24, married a model known as Joshua in June 2004. They had met through their modeling careers when they were both in high school. Shortly after their marriage, Tsuchiya gave birth to a son, but they later divorced in 2006.
Born in the U.S., Joshua was the younger brother of talento Friedia, who was previously known by her old stage name Rin Kozue.
Sources say that Joshua died at the start of this week. A private funeral is being held, and more details, such as the cause of death, may be revealed next week.
Rest in Peace Joshua Condolences to his family and Anna.
Sources @ [ Sponichi Annex || Tokyo Graph ]
Winner Miyazaki Aoi |
xxx Sunday, May 25th 2008 |
Miyazaki Aoi Wins Galaxy Award Translated by [ TokyoGraph ]
Some of the winners of the 45th Galaxy Awards were announced on Friday. Sponsored by the non-profit Japan Council for Better Radio and Television, the awards honor contributions in radio and television between April of last year and March of this year.
Actress Aoi Miyazaki was given the Individual Award for television, based on her starring role in the NHK taiga drama "Atsuhime." This is the first time a taiga drama lead has won that prize since it was established during the 21st Galaxy Awards.
A special 45th Anniversary Award was given to 75-year-old talento/writer/composer Rokusuke Ei. Last year's drama series "Utahime" won the My Best TV Award, which is determined by public vote.
The other awards will be announced on June 3.
Sources @ [ Sankei Sports || Tokyo Graph ]
Thee Out Mods |
xxx Saturday, May 17th 2008 |
Thee Out Mods San Francisco Tour Full Album Release Returning to Japan
A quick reminder for Northern California Thee Out Mods fans. The awesome band will be performing all through this weekend in San Francisco. Later today, Thee Out Mods will play first at the Anime Pavilion at the 4th Annual Asian Heritage Street Celebration. Afterwards, they will be singing their monthly Judo Chop performance at Thee Parkside (age 21 and over only). Lastly, on May 18th, Thee Out Mods will be at Bottom of the Hill (all ages). So if you have never seen Thee Out Mods perform, please go! The band announced in early April 2008, that they will be returning to Japan this summer. For some of you, this may be your last chance to see them live! Go go! Thee Out Mods is an AMAZING band. So don't miss out!
After half a year's delay, news of Thee Out Mods' first full album is finally happening again. Posted on their official Myspace page, are news of their first album, which will be limited to only 1000 copies in print. The album is now on sale (probably at their show). So go grab a copy!
Sources @ [ Official Myspace Page || LJ Community ]
[ Note from Lisa: ] For those of you still taking your Final Exams, hang in there! Add oil! Ganbatte! Don't give up! You can do it! One more week and it'll be over. I wish you all luck! And please wish me luck too! ;___; I'm afraid of Trigonometry...
"Crazy World" (PV) |
xxx Saturday, May 17th 2008 |
Tsuchiya Anna Featuring AI "Crazy World" PV Releases June 11th 2008
Doobie @ Jpopsuki has come through once again and uploaded the video to Tsuchiya Anna's latest single "Crazy World." The song features R&B artist AI rapping, as well as Tsuchiya Anna rocking out a lot of English. Both girls look extremely gorgeous and glamorous in the video. If you liked Anna's song "Change Your Life," then you will absolutely adore "Crazy World." The single drops on June 11th 2008. If you like it, go BUY A COPY and support Tsuchiya Anna! Its a great song!
Download PV @ [ MediaFire || 3 Min 41 Sec || 77.32 MBs ]
Contest Winners |
xxx Tuesday, May 6th 2008 |

Hey Everyone! The winners for the "NANA RockBand Contest" have been picked. Thanks to all who participated and voted! The results are the following:
+ Video Winner - RayDance ( Prize: RockBand )
+ Photo Winner - Kyouko_Takara ( Prize: "NANA" Gigabeat )
Congratulations to the winners! You will be contacted by email. Once again, thanks to everyone for participating! Click HERE to see all the entries.
"Hikari" Photobook |
xxx Monday, May 5th 2008 |
Miyazaki Aoi "Hikari" Photobook Scanned in by Mikomi Hey Everyone! About a year ago, Mikomi was kind enough to scan in her copy of Miyazaki Aoi's hundred dollar photobook "Hikari" for the gallery. At the time, she sent in what she had scanned in first, which was 20 images. Mikomi sent me the remaining 30 images, two weeks later; But it was finals' week, and I completely forget about it. Until recently, I found it in my email again. So enjoy the scans, and please send Mikomi a lovely "Thank You" email, if you can. + Miyazaki Aoi's "Hikari" PB [ 50 Scans ]
"Wish" DVD-Rip |
xxx Monday, May 5th 2008 |
Yuna Ito - "Wish" Second Album DVD Rip Ripped & Uploaded by Mackey Hiromu Thank you SO much Mackey...!! |
 Yuna Ito - "I'm Here" (PV) [ MediaF | 86 MBs | 4 Min 53 Sec ] |
 Yuna Ito - "Mahaloha" (PV) [ MediaF | 72.18 MBs | 4 Min 7 Sec ] |
 Yuna Ito - "Urban Mermaid" (PV) [ MediaF | 76.04 MBs | 4 Min 6 Sec ] |
 Yuna Ito - "Anata ga ira Kagiri" (PV) [ MediaF | 84 MBs | 4 Min 29 Sec ] |

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