News Archive >> "Thee Out Mods" - New Look & New Photoshoot

Thee Out Mods
New Look & New Photoshoot
This is just a brief heads up! Those of you who haven't dropped by Thee Out Mods' Myspace page in a while, should do so now! The group just added new photos from their latest photoshoot, and they look great! Sana is even sporting a new look! It looks like the year 2007 is opening a door of changes for the group. Thee Out Mods are working on new material and have not been scheduled for any new live performances. But while they're working hard, please leave them messages of support. It must suck badly, to have their last two shows cancelled. So just drop by and leave them a note of encouragement. Thee Out Mods loves you! I'm sure they do!
Upcoming Shows: + 18 Feb 2007 - 21:00 - 7 Samurai Records Night @ 2nd Steet Jazz // Los Angeles, California
+ 21 Mar 2007 - 20:00 - ZEN // Los Angeles, California
+ 30 Mar 2007 - 21:00 - 7 Samurai Records Night @ 2nd Steet Jazz // Los Angeles
Source @ [ Thee Out Mods' Myspace Page ]