News Archive >> "NANA Day" 07.07.07 In Full Swing...?
 International Celebration of All Things "NANA" For Fans, By Fans, On 07.07.07!!!
^___^ Okay okay. I've been getting some emails about this, wondering if NANA-NANA.net is going to do something for "NANA Day." If you have been following this site for a while, you'd know that for the last two years, we usually have our own quiet little celebration of "NANA Day" here on the site. Even the official companies behind "NANA" acknowledge that every year, on July 7th, is "NANA Day." So being that this year is 07.07.07, without a doubt, of course NANA-NANA.net is doing something. DUH!!! LOL
So what is it that NANA-NANA.net will be doing for "NANA Day...?" Well, I'd like to keep N-N.net's celebration ONLINE. That way, everyone here can participate. Details have been planned for months now. And the prize box is slowly (but surely) filling up. Want a peek? Take a look to your right. (Yes, I blurred the photo on purpose.) Eventually, I'll pop up more details. But there WILL be a contest. And there WILL be a LOT of prizes. So umm... Stay tuned...!!!
Right now, what you can do, is head over to BlackStones LJ and "NANA Day's Fan Organized" site, to see if there is a local party planned where you live. "NANA" fans all over the world, have been planning local events, parties, gift exchanges, and contests to celebrate everything in the name of "NANA." You can find out how to contribute and participate in "NANA Day," and spend July 7th 2007 in style!