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"Punk A Go Go"
Thee Out Mods Performing in Northern California...?
Yoohoo! It looks like Thee Out Mods are coming to perform in Northern California! Though the location has not yet been decided, their official Myspace page announced that the show will be on April 12th 2007. So mark your calendars! Thee Out Mods will tour with their sister band Tokyo Smog either in San Francisco or San Jose. North-Cali fans represent please!
Also, if you haven't been by Thee Out Mod's Myspace page lately, then head on over! They have a new song called, "Punk A Go Go!" It sounds really upbeat and silly. Fans of "Sakura," will also be happy to hear that there's a newer version of the song. Both tracks are included in their new demo single, which is on sale at their live shows. To show their fans how much Thee Out Mods love them, the single comes with some really cool buttons! So grab a copy if you can. If not, you can always go to Thee Out Mod's Fan Community, and someone there can always help you pick up a copy or two.
[ EDIT - March 31st 2007 ] - Slim's w/Lin Clover @ San Francisco - April 11th 2007 || 7:30 P.M.
Lastly, Rio from 7 Samurai Records was kind enough to send me Thee Out Mod's latest video, "GLORY." Download and spread it to the world!
 [ MegaUpload || 4 Min 11 Sec || 68 MBs ] [ SendSpace || 4 Min 11 Sec || 68 MBs ]
Thee Out Mods "GLORY" (PV) - 7 Samurai Records Thee Out Mods present to you their latest music video, "GLORY." Shot at Venice Beach in September 2006, the band really rocked it up California style! Skate boarding, goofing around, and even flashing a picture of the California flag, are just little quirky elements that make the video so enjoyable. Of course, not to forget the talented band, fronted by the lovely Sana, rocking it out on the beach. Its really funny to see people's reaction at seeing a Japanese punk band performing. A very inspiring indies video from Thee Out Mods! |
Sources @ [ Thee Out Mods || Tokyo Smog || 7 Samurai Records ]