x x May 13th 2008
   I ♥ Video Streaming

Today, I added in some videos onto the site for you to stream. That way, you can sample some of the files before you download. Make sure your browser works with FLASH...!

Crisis Core's "WHY" Promo Video
Final Fantasy VII :: Crisis Core PV

The "Products" page is still under heavy construction, but I will find time to work on it. For now, dig through the "Media" page for other videos to stream. Have a good day, Everyone!

x x May 11th 2008
   Designs for Sub Pages Complete

I have finally completed all the sub page designs. Thank goodness! I can rest a little easier, knowing that this project is due in two days!

Added in is the "Other" section, which is a little corner to answer the small FAQs and details of this web site. I also made it slightly easier to contact me, if you have any questions to ask. Just click on that nifty little link above, and it'll take you directly to the "Contact" page.

Lastly, I typed in some memorable quotes from Final Fantasy, into the new "Notes" section. So check those out!

I will hopefully have the site fully functional in two days. Will be back!


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"...You are the proof that I existed..."

...were the final words of a man, who had laid down his life to protect his loyalty, beliefs, and love that was packaged into the form of friendship. And with those words, Zack Fair instantly became one of the most beloved game characters of all time.

Many heart wrenching moments, such as the one described above, have sprung from the franchise of Final Fantasy. Stories after stories based on love, friendship, loyalty, sacrifice, and conviction have made Final Fantasy into a household title. One does not have to be a gamer to fall in love with this franchise. The gorgeous graphics, beautiful music, and clever plots have captured the attention of fans from all over the world.

Whether Final Fantasy is described as "the best" or "overrated," the title itself has the ability to generate all kinds of interest in the world of media. After 20 years, it has become more than just video games to fans: It created touching moments and memories that audiences have remembered, debated, and talked about for decades.

This little web site on the internet is dedicated to those tiny moments in Final Fantasy. Now you can remember, laugh, cry, and toss your controllers at the screen all over again.

Official Web Sites    
Comments & Suggestions    

Site Credits    

Final Fantasy is created by Sakaguchi Hironobu.
Owned by SQUARE ENIX CO. LTD, Japan.
Site created and designed by Lisa.
This site is an unofficial fan site,
un-authorized by SQUARE ENIX.
Last updated on May 13, 2008