"NANA" Anime
Hello! Here are the fansubs of the "NANA" anime, done by those wonderful groups Live Evil and IY-F&Oki. Included here, are the episode summaries for anyone interested in reading them (for whatever reason). I hold no rights to the "NANA" anime at all. If the anime gets licensed in the US, the episodes will immediately be taken down to avoid any legal trouble. All rights goes to that genius Ai Yazawa, NTV Animation, and others who have worked on this. =)
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"NANA" Anime - Episode 1 Fansubbed by Live-Evil[ Episode Summary ] The anime starts out with Hachiko's thoughts, "Hey, Nana. Do you remember the day we met?" Upon receiving a text message, Komatsu Nana quits her job in a video store, pack her bags, and takes the first train to Tokyo. Upon boarding the train, to her dismay, it was packed and seats were hard to find. A sudden halt of the train causes her to stumble over and a beautiful punk girl's guitar falls on her head. The girl helps Nana up and not long later, a nice conversation strikes up between the two girls.
During this long and delayed trip to Tokyo, the pair discover that they have a lot in common. Not only are they the same age, but they're both called "Nana!" Oosaki Nana and Komatsu Nana arrives in Tokyo together. Komatsu Nana is met by her boyfriend Shouji at the train station, but before introductions are made, Oosaki Nana has already disappeared, leaving no way to find her again. Komatsu Nana is disappointed by this, but follows Shouji home. Komatsu Nana's goals are to find a job in Tokyo and to make a living on her own. However, upon shacking up with her boyfriend, she finds that she only cooks and clean, and forget about her goals. This puts a strain on both Shouji and Nana's relationship, and she soon realizes that she must move out and achieve her goals, or her relationship with Shouji might come to an end.
Nana sets out to find an apartment, and her real estate broker Andou, takes her to a old brick building. She is immediately impressed by the building and opens room 707 to find that someone is already looking at the apartment; It turns out to be the beautiful punk girl, Oosaki Nana! Komatsu Nana falls in love with the rooms and it's old fashion bathtub, and wants to take the apartment. But Oosaki Nana (who is tired of living in creepy capsule hotels) lays claim to it first! Komatsu Nana's broker suddenly suggest that the two live together and split the rent. Paying 35,000 yen a month is a LOT cheaper than 70,000 yen a month. Oosaki Nana's real estate broker Yokoi (who is a greedy man) realizes that if Oosaki Nana shares the apartment with Komatsu Nana, his commission fee will be slashed in half. He slyly suggests to Oosaki Nana that living with someone like Komatsu Nana will get on her nerves. But Nana O snaps at Yokoi (for partially insulting Nana K) suggesting that he is a very lonely man to be thinking thoughts like that.
Oosaki Nana faces Komatsu Nana to say, "Looks like we'll be roommates starting tomorrow, Nana-chan." It was decided then, that the two Nanas will be roommates and friends.
"NANA" Anime - Episode 2 Fansubbed by Live-Evil[ Episode Summary ] Komatsu Nana begins the episode with some self reflection. She's from a relatively small town that's described as neither a city or the countryside. Being the middle child of a middle class family, she is a normal high school girl on the verge of graduation. The scene forwards as she sits in a car with someone who is clearly her lover. The man is wearing a suit and is much older than Nana. She doesn't know anything about his private life (except that he's married), suspects that the name he gave her is fake, and only meets with him 2 or 3 times a month to have sex. He tells her that his company is transferring him to Tokyo, so he breaks up with her. Nana is devastated by this. In a bathroom stall at school, she cries her heart out to her best friend Junko, who reminds Nana that high school girls should not be having affairs with older married men. Nana, who is really in love with "Asano Takashi," did not like her relationship being labeled as an affair. But Junko explained that older men all see high school girls as easy kogals. Therefore, Nana decided to change her hair style so she would never be mistaken for a kogal again. The girls graduate high school after this.
Thinking back on her high school days, Nana finds that she has "fallen" for many men. First was her art teacher, then the guy from the local video store, then a man working at a family restaurant, then the pizza delivery boy; They’re all good looking. None of her crushes ever developed into any relationship and she wondered if it was because she lacked sex appeal. Nana decided to go on a diet, hoping to look better. Then one day, while she was at the movies, Nana almost fainted. She didn't have a friend there to help her because she liked watching movies alone. All of a sudden, a very good looking man came to help her up. He introduced himself as Asano Takashi, 29 years old. She was immediately impressed by him. He bought her a drink and waited to make sure she got better. Nana explained that she was feeling faint because she was on a diet. But the man said she was cute enough without the diet. She realized that she really liked this guy because he's hot, nice, and a gentleman. She wanted to repay the favor so as he was leaving, she told him where she worked.
For two weeks, Nana waited for Asano, who did not show up. He was the only person she could think of. Then one night, while she was leaving work, she found him waiting outside for her. It was that moment that she fell in love with him, with no way of falling out. That was the beginning of their affair. Nana had always known about the ring on his finger, but she chose not to think about it. Whether it was in a car or in a love motel, she just loved being with him. She knew that if he didn't break up with her, she would've wasted her whole youth on a relationship that could never have lasted.
After high school, Nana (who is now sporting a really short hair cut) attends a community art college with Junko. Junko correctly accuses Nana of going to school only to meet guys, even though she denies this. As the two girls are walking into class for the first time, Nana's eyes immediately meet with a hot guy's eyes. She freaks out as he gets up and starts approaching her-- Only to realize that he was approaching Junko! The guy introduces himself as Endou Shouji, a friend of Junko's from middle school. He also introduces his friend Takakura Kyousuke, who Nana also think is hot. Junko completely notices Nana's wandering eyes. At Junko's apartment, Nana chats excitedly about campus life. But Junko pointed out that the only reason why Nana is excited about "college" is because of good looking guys. Nana wonders why she never had any guy friends, like Junko does. She decides in determination to make Shouji her guy friend, so she wouldn't make the same mistake of falling for men so easily.
Shouji and his friend Kyousuke later comes to Junko's apartment with beer. Nana finds that she is extremely nervous around Shouji and tries her best not to fall for him. Hoping to help Nana with her nervousness, Junko suggests that everyone talk casually to get to know one another. Nana drinks and drinks until she is completely drunk. She is not a good drunk because she blabbed everything about her past "loves" to Shouji and Kyousuke, who both found her to be hilarious. But as she was reminiscing, she remembered her heartbreak with Asano and has a nervous breakdown. Worried, Junko tried to calm Nana and tucked her into bed. After Nana falls asleep, Shouji decides to leave. He came over to the apartment because he was interested in Nana and wanted to go after her. But now, he fears that she hates him. Junko assures him that Nana disliking him is far from the truth.
The next morning, Nana woke up with a hangover but could not remember anything about her nervous breakdown. She entered the living room to find Kyousuke and Junko making out, with his hand feeling up her shirt. Nana's friend tried to play it off like nothing happened, but Kyousuke casually inserted that he thought Junko was great from the moment he first saw her. Nana completely understands this, because like Kyousuke assessed, Nana is the "queen of falling in love at first sight." She is appalled to find that she blurted everything out to Kyousuke and Shouji, the night before.
On the way to class, Junko insists that she can hook Nana up with Shouji if she wishes so. But Nana declines, saying that she will try her best to make Shouji a friend. It was at that moment that Shouji shows up and sweeps Nana away from Junko, who knows that Nana would never take the "friend" thing seriously. In class, Shouji asks Nana out to the movies, but she turns him down. She said that she only watch movies by herself. At that moment, Nana once again remembers Asano and feels depressed. Her breakup with the married man is hurting her more than she thought it would. While in deep though, she accidentally hurts herself with a pair of scissors.
Shouji patches up Nana in the nurse's office and tells her that wounds must be tended to properly in order for it to heal; If not, the wound would only grow and become worse. She takes the advice as a simile for her situation: The only way to heal completely is to love again. Shouji agrees with Nana, hoping that she will turn to him as a new love. But his hopes are quickly shot down when she asks his opinion for the best place to look for people her age, where she can meet someone new. The episode ends as Komatsu Nana is walking to a night club, all dressed up with a new goal of finding love.
"I'm going to get back the love that vanished from my life. I'm going to love, and love, and leave behind my wretched old self in the darkness forever."
"NANA" Anime - Episode 3 Fansubbed by Live-Evil[ Episode Summary ] Nana stays true to her goals of finding real love, by visiting the night club routinely. She had her eyes glued on DJ Matsushita, when Shouji finds her there. The two leave the club together and walk home as friends. Nana comments that DJ is hot, but he is an enemy of women because not only is he stuck up, he sleeps around a lot. Shouji tells her not to go falling in love with a guy like DJ then. Nana, in a moment of joy, relates that she likes Shouji telling her what to do because he sounds like Junko when he does. Shouji feels a bit ironic to be Junko's replacement.
Later at a bar, Junko suggests that everyone should take a vacation together. Nana and Shouji immediately usher in the idea of going to the beach; and not long later, that is where the four are seen. At the hotel, Nana makes a decision without thinking by allowing Junko and Kyousuke to share a room. That means Shouji and her would be sharing a room. Although Nana has no problem with this arrangement (because she treats Shouji as a friend), he feels more uncomfortable. He expresses that she doesn't understand men at all: Men like to have sex all the time with any female (even with women they don't love), and by sharing a room with him, she is putting herself in danger. Nana is devastated to hear this because she thought Shouji was different from other men. Her thoughts wander back to Asano Takashi, who had sex with her even though he didn't love her. She was going to head back to Junko's room but Shouji was determined to change her mind about him. Therefore, they spent the night together as friends in separate beds.
The next day, Junko and Kyousuke broke the news to Nana and Shouji, that the couple was going to move to Tokyo for art school. Nana sobs hysterically upon hearing this and tries unsuccessfully to convince Junko not to go. She is afraid of being alone. At the beach, Shouji tries to cheer Nana up by suggesting that the two of them study hard to get into Tokyo art schools as well. Both of them decided with determination to do this, but Kyousuke points out that their goal is rather empty. Nana, who refused to be discouraged, studied hard hoping that one of Tokyo's many art schools will accept her. However, when the test results came back, she found out that all the art schools in Tokyo rejected her.
This time, the four friends are at a bar in Tokyo, discussing Nana's fate. She doesn't know how she'll be able to stay in Tokyo because she didn't get into a single university. Her future looks bleak. Junko and Kyousuke decided to head back to the hotel first, while Shouji and Nana went their separate way to explore Tokyo. The two are walking and chatting, when the topic of "What is Nana going to do?" came up again. Nana says all she wants to do is be in Tokyo, so she can stay with Junko and Shouji; She does not mind living off part time jobs as long as she can stay. Shouji points out that thinking thoughts like that are stupid because she is no longer a child who can live off of her parents' money. She is upset by his words and counters that she'll be fine working in Tokyo. But their argument escalates to the point where Shouji just tells Nana to go back home because she can't support herself. She starts to cry; All she wanted to do was be with him too. Shouji becomes really angry by her and tells her to stop playing with people's emotions because her tears are not his fault. He storms off and leaves a very broken Nana standing alone on the late night streets of Tokyo.
While tears were sliding down, reality began to seep through: Nana knows she has to get back to the hotel but she is clearly lost and can't find her way. While feeling completely hopeless, she suddenly hears someone calling her name: "Nana-chan?" Standing in front of her was none other than her Asano Takashi.
Back at the hotel, Shouji was being yelled at by Junko and Kyousuke. Nana doesn't know her way back! He abandoned her on the streets of Tokyo and she might get hurt! Shouji, who was being ripped apart with guilt, was trying to drown out his senses with alcohol. Feeling angry, Junko tells him that Nana is in love with him and by saying things like that to her, he must've really hurt her. In frustration, she leaves the hotel room to search for Nana. Not long later, he runs out to look for Nana too, leaving Kyousuke alone in the hotel.
Worried for Nana, Asano took her to a restaurant to give her time to calm down. She explains her story of trying to move to Tokyo to be with her friends. Asano comments that Nana hasn't changed at all, from the last time he saw her. She was always the one talking and he was always the one listening. This lack of communication from him was a problem in their past relationship. Sitting across from him, the realization finally dawns on Nana that she doesn't hate him at all: Because she really loved him and he put up with her for that. It was an experience that she was grateful for.
He helps her find her way back to the hotel. Before they part, one of Asano's co-workers called out to him and jokingly accused him of cheating on his wife with a cute girl. Asano casually shrugs it off, but Nana realized that the co-worker used his name, "Asano." She finally understood that he never lied to her about his name, and a great weight came off of her shoulders. At that moment, they stared at each other, knowing that it would be the last time they saw one another. In a moment of inspiration, Nana tells him not to cheat on his wife anymore. Asano was surprised by this and replied that he'll be more careful. Satisfied with his answer, Nana runs off. When she looked back, he was gone.
The moment was broken when Nana's cell phone rang. She answered it to be greeted by Kyousuke's voice. He calmly tells her that Shouji and Junko had a fight involving her an hour ago, and both had stormed off to look for her. Nana apologizes for the trouble she caused, and starts to cry. Kyousuke explains that Shouji is in love with Nana but she calls him a liar for this. Kyousuke says that KNana is the liar because she knew all this information all along. Shocked to realize that its the truth, Nana hangs up the phone and begins to look for Shouji in the streets of Tokyo...
"Just being touched opened up new scars. I was always so frightened. But I felt like I could get over that when I was with him. He was softly embracing me with his heart. I want him to hold me with that warmth now more than ever!"
"NANA" Anime - Episode 4 Fansubbed by Live-Evil[ Episode Summary ] Running aimlessly, Nana hears her name being called and turned around. It was Shouji. The two stared at one another for a silent moment before she ran to him. He apologized to Nana for what he said before, and the two headed back to the hotel. Unfortunately for Nana, they ended up in room 707.
While in their hotel room, the pair had a heart to heart chat. Shouji explained to Nana, that if he could, he would take her to Tokyo with him. Inspired, she made a commitment to go home and earn the money before moving to Tokyo to find a job for herself. He makes a promise to get into a university as well. During this conversation, Shouji casually slips a clue to Nana that maybe the two can become "friends with benefits." She looked appalled at this and was a little disgusted that he would suggest such a thing. But softening, Nana said that she'll have sex with him if he'll tell her he loves her. Now its Shouji's turn to be appalled because expecting a Japanese man to say mushy stuff just isn't right. Nana is a little hurt by his reaction and turns her back to him. He immediately regretted his reaction and holds onto her. Shouji gently kissed Nana on her forehead and she is very touched by this. Even without him saying so, she knew he was telling her that he loved her. That night, Shouji and Nana made love.
For the next year, 19 year old Komatsu Nana worked at the video store back in her small hometown. Her co-worker, whom she had a crush on before, make passes at her but she ignores him. She communicates with Shouji on the cell phone and the two share a long distance relationship. But one day, she will move to Tokyo to achieve her goal...
"Take a look at this, Demon King!"
* * * * * * * * * *
Oosaki Nana describes herself as a person without a birthplace, nameless father, and a mother who abandoned her when she was still an infant. She lives in a small town besides the sea with a sarcastic grandmother, who ran a small restaurant. While most of the time, this Nana spent her days working, she was slowing moving towards her dream.
"Good evening! We're the BlackStones!"
Here, the punk rock band is introduced to you at one of their small concerts. Lead singer Oosaki Nana projects the English lyrics to a screaming audience, as her and the band rock it out on stage. After the show, the band exits the building in the back. It is snowing and a group of fans were loyally waiting for them to leave. Nana is very touched by this. She especially remembered the name of one fan, Misato (gothic lolita girl), who was waiting with a birthday present for Nana. She thanks Misato by kissing her on the lips. While Misato and the group of fan girls were still in shock, the band slips away.
At a local bar, BlackStones drinks to celebrate another successful concert. Nobu hails at the band's current progress while Nana digs into Misato's gift. She is ecstatic to find a Vivienne Westwood jacket, and conceitedly boasts that her kisses are worth a lot. Ren jokingly calls Nana a "bitch." The group merrily chatter away like great friends. Here, we find out that Nana is a high school drop out, Nobu is graduating high school, Ren only finished middle school, and Yasu is attending a private college.
When the group of friends leave the bar later, Nobu passes out in the snow from drinking too much. Yasu volunteers to bring Nobu home in a taxi and tells Ren that he will discuss the "situation" with Nobu. Yasu suggests that Ren should have the same discussion with Nana as well. Nana is worried about this but Ren waves it off. Here, the group part ways.
On the train, Nana happily talks with Ren about the concert. She enthusiastically compares being on stage, to having sex. Ren asks if being on stage is better than having sex. Nana replies, "That depends on the guy." The two are obviously in a relationship together. When they arrived at their stop, it is still snowing and they shared a scarf that a fan gave Ren.
After Ren and Nana arrived home, they took a bath together in an old fashioned tub. They reminisce about how they first met. It was during a Christmas show a few years back. At the time, Ren was the one in a band and Nana went with Nobu to meet him. Ren slyly commented that Nana behaved like a bitch that night. He especially remembered that night because she wore a bright red dress, which made her stand out in the audience. Nana explained that she was in a bad mood because a lot problems were going on with her life at that time. Ren joked that it was because her school kicked her out for prostitution. Nana, slightly upset, said that she was framed and that he was the one who took her virginity. Ren apologizes.
Nana relates that it was a hard time in her life. She worked really hard for money because her grandmother refused to give her a single yen. Her grandmother took her in when she was only four because her mother ran off with other men and abandoned her. She was told repeatedly by her grandmother not to be like her mom. Nana's grandmother even banned her from wearing pink or red clothing, because it might appeal to men. So after her grandmother died, Nana decided to treat herself to a gift with her hard earned money. She bought a bright red dress for herself. It was the same dress she wore to meet Ren.
The memory shows Nobu bringing Nana to see Ren in concert for the first time. Nana seemed really unimpressed by the stories that Nobu were telling her about Ren. But when the show started, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. His eyes captured her's in the audience as well. An indescribable feeling came over her: Jealousy, envy, impatience, and lust.
The scene forwards back to the present where Ren and Nana are having sex. Living with him, she is a little uncertain because it feels like a dream that can end. To her, Ren didn't seem like a guy who would be with someone who was subservient her whole life. She discusses with Ren about playing in a bigger concert hall, so more people can see them. He didn't have much of an opinion on this, which led Nana to ask about Yasu's comment from earlier. Ren didn't seem to want to answer her, so Nana said she'll ask Yasu herself.
She gets up to take her birth control pill. Ren comments that he would like to have a child or two with Nana, but she does not want to have kids. She wants to keep singing and performing. This conversation was clearly frustrating Nana. She gets up to leave, but Ren pulls her back and holds onto her. The two fall onto the bed. They shared a silent moment as Nana clung onto him.
"Nana... I'm going to Tokyo. You should live however you'd like."
Ren watches her gently. But Nana can only widen her eyes in shock.
"NANA" Anime - Episode 5 Fansubbed by Live-Evil
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 50 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 6 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 49 Sec || 172 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 7 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 49 Sec || 169 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 8 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 49 Sec || 169 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 9 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 49 Sec || 169 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 10 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 49 Sec || 169 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 11 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 49 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 11.5 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 49 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 12 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 49 Sec || 175 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 13 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 46 Sec || 175 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 14 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 15 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 16 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 17 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 18 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 45 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 19 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 20 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 21 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 21.5 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 22 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 23 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 24 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 22 Mins 44 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 25 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 26 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 27 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 28 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 29 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 30 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 20 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 31 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 32 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 33 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 34 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 19 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 35 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 20 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 36 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 24 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 36.5 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 25 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 37 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 25 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 38 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 24 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 39 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 24 Sec || 172 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 40 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 24 Sec || 171 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 41 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 24 Sec || 170 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 42 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 24 Sec || 176 MBs ]
"NANA" Anime - Episode 43 Fansubbed by IY-F&Oki
 [ MegaUpload || 23 Mins 24 Sec || 171 MBs ]
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